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Ballarat Business Women

Advertising with Ballarat Business Women

Ballarat Business Women (BBW) Advertising Policy

Available Advertising & Promotion Opportunities
We promote our members’ businesses and our upcoming events along with our own organisation as part of your benefits of being a BBW Member.

Social Media
Welcome Post 

Promotion of Business Service / Event / Product

Newsletter Advertisement
We welcome all new members in our Newsletter

You may provide an advertisement for placement in our weekly newsletter (see specifications below)

Business Tip
If you have a particular service, aspect of your business, or professional advice you would like to provide our members we would be pleased to

accept this information from you. Please see the specifications below.

At an Event
BBW exists to provide networking opportunities to other women in business and provide these events for you to network. If you are a member you are
welcome to network and hand out brochures or products and of course your business card.

We do not take advertisements for our website. We do have our members directory which is included in your membership. Please be sure to fill out your member directory information and keep it up to date by using the appropriate form.


In order to submit an advertisement for promotion you must be a paid up member of Ballarat Business Women. Your membership must have gone to the BBW Board and been accepted before we can accept an advertisement from you.

We are a business networking organisation that is run to benefit our members so advertisements must promote your business, an event being run by your business or one of your services.

Offensive content or content considered inappropriate will not be published. This decision is at the discretion of the BBW Marketing and Social Media team.

Ballarat Business Women (BBW) Advertising Guidelines & Specifications

How to organise your advertisement
To submit your write up or your advertisement please email your advertising request to  

Once we receive your request we can determine the best course of action based on our marketing calendar and our newsletter or social calendar.

Advertisements need to be of a high resolution quality to maintain our brand standards.

Advertisements for our newsletter should be submitted as a high resolution .jpeg 150mm (wide) x 100mm (high) as a 300dpi jpeg. 

Newsletter Content Articles should include an appropriate heading, your final proof read copy with any links or hashtags and should be between 200 - 250 words maximum. Be sure to include your contact information at the end of your article or a link to your website.

Social Media Posts should be sent via email and written as you want it posted. It should contain between 30 - 60 words, be proof read and include your # hashtags and any links you need.  You need to also include up to 3 images or your advert that you have the rights to use as a jpg 150 x 150mm 150dpi, or a video link. Our Social Media team may adjust your post slightly if they feel you may achieve better engagement from our audience with a little tweak.